Boyer & Associates is pleased to announce Rahul Bhatnagar as our newest Solution Architect for CRM and Power Platform.
Bhatnagar has always had a love for technology. As a young boy growing up in northern India, he spent hours on computers and other electronic gadgets. The Internet was still a relatively new concept in the early 1990s, and he was particularly intrigued with the idea of a computerized device helping to solve problems.
“That was my passion. … That intrigued me and I was really into computers,” he said.
Bhatnagar had no trouble choosing a major to study in college. Soon he had both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Information Technology.
His first job in the IT market was as a solutions sales consultant. Clients would tell him what they needed, and he would show them the solutions that would best solve their business requirements.
“I was pretty good at demoing clients with solutions…but that was not what I wanted to do,” Bhatnagar said. He said he wanted a more hands-on approach to working with the actual technology.
He switched to more of a developer role in 2014 and got his first look at the Microsoft ecosystem. He’s stayed within the Microsoft world ever since.
In 2018, Bhatnagar and his wife moved to Canada. He quickly found a new job working on an in-house implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. He spent the next year helping the company’s internal resources fine-tune first their CRM system and then their Power Platform resources.
“I was happy there and they were happy with me … but I achieved what I wanted to there,” he said. With their systems up and running at optimum efficiency, Bhatnagar decided it was time to find a new position where he could continue to add value.
Before long, he landed a job as a Power Platform architect working on enterprise-scale projects.
“That gave me a broader systematic approach on how things work on a large scale,” he said. “That was pretty interesting for me.”
Bhatnagar said he prefers the work of a solution architect as opposed to consulting. As a consultant he was able to work with a small piece of the puzzle and fit it to meet a client’s specific needs.
As a solution architect for CRM and Power Platform, he gets to play a bigger role in the overall technology stack that a company is using.
“Architecture gives me more satisfaction because I can work on the overarching picture … (and be) responsible for the whole outcome of that project,” he said.
Moving to Boyer was an easy choice for Bhatnagar for two reasons. First, he already knew and enjoyed working with some of the people. Second, he wanted to switch to a U.S. company with better benefits than he was getting in Canada.
So far, he’s enjoyed getting to know his team and looks forward to helping deliver the best solutions possible for our clients.
Bhatnagar and his wife, Shipra, live near Toronto and have two children: a 4-year-old boy and 9-month-old girl.
When he has spare time, he enjoys learning new things, reading about economics or finance and tinkering with electronics such as Raspberry Pi’s.
“Anything related to tech or finance interests me,” he said.