Boyer’s newest team member comes with 17 years of experience and a passion for data management. Asmita Chakraborti recently joined the team as a Power Platform and Data Solution Architect.Chakraborti started her career as a solution engineer doing database administration for a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) company in India. She spent another couple of years as a data architect in charge of data migrations for IBM.In 2014, she moved from India to Canada and joined an enterprise communications company where she managed her own data analytics team. She has spent the last few years focused more on the data governance aspect, especially as more companies move to the cloud.“Whenever I see someone talking about data I can’t keep … [Read more...] about Passion for data leads solution architect to Boyer
Microsoft partner gains a new ‘Solutions Partner’ designation
Boyer & Associates, a trusted Microsoft partner, is proud to announce it has earned a Solutions Partner designation for proficiency in Modern Work. The Minneapolis-based company has earned numerous awards and recognition over the years and already holds the top badge for Business Applications. The Solutions Partner designation helps both Microsoft and customers identify highly qualified and specialized partners. This achievement serves as a mark of excellence. It indicates that the partner has met rigorous standards and is capable of delivering high-quality solutions.“This is not just a reflection of Boyer’s technical proficiency in Microsoft’s Modern Work solutions, but also of its customer-centric approach. … [Read more...] about Microsoft partner gains a new ‘Solutions Partner’ designation
People-focused PM joins Boyer team
The Boyer team has a new face ready to assist with project management for Microsoft Dynamics. We’re pleased to announce Luisa Hill as our newest senior project manager.Hill earned her bachelor’s degree in history and archaeology at a small town university in Wales. She participated in several archaeology digs and on the weekends often went climbing on the nearby Snowdonia Mountain Range.Upon returning home, Hill landed her first job at a New York City nonprofit as an associate project manager. While she was there, the organization went from pen and paper to a full-scale CRM, a move that greatly impacted the organization’s productivity and donations — and Hill. “I’m very driven by being able to make an impact on people. Seeing what … [Read more...] about People-focused PM joins Boyer team
Boyer hires solution architect for CRM & Power Platform
Boyer & Associates is pleased to announce Rahul Bhatnagar as our newest Solution Architect for CRM and Power Platform.Bhatnagar has always had a love for technology. As a young boy growing up in northern India, he spent hours on computers and other electronic gadgets. The Internet was still a relatively new concept in the early 1990s, and he was particularly intrigued with the idea of a computerized device helping to solve problems.“That was my passion. … That intrigued me and I was really into computers,” he said. Bhatnagar had no trouble choosing a major to study in college. Soon he had both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Information Technology. His first job in the IT market was as a solutions sales consultant. … [Read more...] about Boyer hires solution architect for CRM & Power Platform
Preparing for a successful Dynamics 365 CRM implementation
As a Microsoft partner, Boyer understands that preparing for a successful Dynamics 365 CRM implementation involves focusing on the three key pillars: people, processes, and technology. While user adoption is important, it’s equally critical to focus on what your organization—and your implementation partner—can do to drive success. By aligning these three areas and maintaining close collaboration with your partner, you’ll set the foundation for a successful CRM implementation that delivers long-term value. Let’s take a closer look at these three areas, how the right implementation partner can help and questions to ask a potential partner.1. Set your people up for successWhile the people in your organization are ultimately … [Read more...] about Preparing for a successful Dynamics 365 CRM implementation
Unlocking the Power of Rebate Management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&SCM
How many people does it take in your business to manage rebates, deductions, and royalties? In the intricate world of finance and supply chain management, all these play an essential role in shaping your business’s success, but managing them can be daunting without the right tools and strategies. This is where the power of rebate management in Dynamics 365 can help.Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management (F&SCM) offers a comprehensive Rebate Management module that centralizes and streamlines these processes. It ensures that businesses can maintain control and oversight over financial transactions effortlessly. By centralizing rebate, deduction, and royalty processing in one unified platform, businesses can … [Read more...] about Unlocking the Power of Rebate Management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&SCM
Year-end updates for Dynamics SL no longer available
Boyer can still help you close out the year in your ERPYear-end updates for Dynamics SL have officially ended, as the on-premise ERP system moves into Microsoft’s extended support option. Despite this notable change, Boyer will continue to assist SL users with closing out the year in their ERP system.SL 2018 moves to extended supportDynamics SL 2018, the newest version of the solution, has now entered its extended support phase. That will continue through July 11, 2028. While security patches will still be provided during this period, non-security updates, including new features or functionality, will no longer be released. However, clients can still purchase additional user licenses or modules throughout this time. Year-end … [Read more...] about Year-end updates for Dynamics SL no longer available
Six Advantages of Finance and Sales Integration
Having a seamless finance and sales integration is fundamental to sustaining and growing any business. With the integration of these two ERP and CRM powerhouses, businesses gain efficiency, improve customer experiences, and ultimately improve profitability.Microsoft’s tech stack allows for a seamless integration between ERP powerhouse Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management and its CRM counterpart, Dynamics 365 Sales.Boyer recently hosted a webinar titled "Better Together - Dynamics 365 Finance and Sales." In this webinar we explored the following six key advantages of leveraging this finance and sales integration:1. Single Source of TruthAt the heart of Microsoft Dynamics’ sales and finance integration lies … [Read more...] about Six Advantages of Finance and Sales Integration
Say goodbye to bad data: How to maintain clean CRM data
In today’s data-driven world, the ability to maintain clean CRM data is essential for the success of any organization. Poor data quality can cause financial setbacks, contribute to operational inefficiencies, and hamper decision-making. As the saying goes, "garbage in, garbage out." No matter how advanced your tools are, if your data is bad, the insights and decisions derived from it will be flawed.This post will cover:Why your CRM data quality matters Regardless of your company’s size, clean data is critical to efficient operations. For small businesses, accurate data maximizes sales opportunities, while for larger enterprises, clean data prevents errors from compounding into costly issues.Maintaining data quality ensures that … [Read more...] about Say goodbye to bad data: How to maintain clean CRM data
Microsoft named a leader in Gartner’s 2024 Magic Quadrants
Microsoft has long been a leader in technology, so it’s no surprise that the company has once again made headlines. As technology research firm Gartner releases its 2024 Magic Quadrant reports, the Microsoft name is popping up in multiple categories.Significance of Gartner’s Magic QuadrantGartner's Magic Quadrant is one of the most respected evaluations in the technology sector, assessing and ranking top technology providers. Gartner then places each company into one of four quadrants:Gartner releases a new ranking each year, and industry stakeholders highly anticipate the annual reports. Besides showcasing where companies stand out among their peers, the reports also highlight trends in the industry.Microsoft: A dominant force across … [Read more...] about Microsoft named a leader in Gartner’s 2024 Magic Quadrants